Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Blacklisted Vaccine Facts the Media Won't Tell You, 2015-2017


November 08, 2017 | View in Web Browser

Product Education
Vitamin C
Staying Healthy in 2018: Here's One Simple Way to Help Do It

Consider this nutrient the 'jack of all trades' - that's how widespread its potential benefits are for your body. It benefits your immune health, heart, eye and brain health, and collagen production for your bones, skin, tendons and ligaments. Be aware, there's almost a 1 in 3 chance you may be deficient, and those odds may increase as you age.

Your Wednesday Articles
vaccine legislation
Blacklisted Vaccine Facts the Media Won't Tell You, 2015-2017

Contrary to what the corporate- and government-dominated media is reporting and would like the public to believe, there is some great news about vaccines which has been censored. Here are the real facts on the last 454 vaccine-related bills - please share.

chloroprene pollution
Changing EPA Policies May Increase Your Risk of Living in a Toxic Town

A small historical town in Louisiana is fighting for their health and clean air. Their story is not unlike other areas where industry contaminants are threatening lives. Large industries may be using federal agencies and judicial court systems to complicate matters, serving their self-interest. Here's how you can help.

nutrient pollution from excess nitrogen phosphorus
How Oysters May Help Reduce Nitrogen Pollution

Oysters are small, bivalve mollusks that can filter up to 50 gallons of water in one day and have a unique microbiome living on their shells and in the sediment near them. These features may offer a unique method of filtering excess nitrogen from saltwater and help prevent toxic summertime blooms.

Recommended Product
Vitamin B Complex
Are You at Risk for a Vitamin B Deficiency?

B vitamins in general aren't absorbed well. But with the right formula and correct proportions of vitamins, you can be well on your way to optimal health. Check out this plant matrix with exceptional absorption qualities.

Must-Read Article
hiatal hernia
Hiatal Hernia: A Potentially Dangerous Digestive Condition

30K Page Views

Learn more about hiatal hernia's causes, symptoms and ways on how to properly treat it.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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