Thursday, May 31, 2018

Study: This Exercise Method Significantly Boosts Your Mood

Pure Power Protein
An Elite Athlete's Best Friend - Don't Expect Your Rivals to Tip You Off on This

Success is often made via small hinges - the little things you do to win more, recover faster and hurt less. Your competitors are highly unlikely to pass this knowledge on to you. So it's up to you to discover this incredible winner's tip, and put it to use for yourself and teammates.




Your Friday Articles

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Study: This Exercise Method Significantly Boosts Your Mood

And with 33 trials involving nearly 2,000 people, it's been proven to work beyond any shadow of a doubt. In one study, 80 percent experienced a significant reduction within 10 weeks - is this the most natural way to encourage the release of mood-boosting chemicals?



strength training can relieve depression
Exercise Four to Five Times a Week to Prevent Arterial Stiffness

There are an impressive number of benefits to exercise, including a reduction in arterial stiffness, a factor leading to hypertension and heart disease. I'll share a unique and simple exercise you can do anywhere. It's never too late to start!



exercise may delay arterial stiffness


Recommended Product

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Ceramic Cookware
Why Even Stainless Steel and Aluminum Cookware May Be Less Than Ideal

The possible harmful effects of non-stick cookware are well-known, but stainless steel and aluminum can also be extremely toxic - especially when used to cook these foods. Try this instead.


June Highlight

Acid Reflux: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Learn about the causes of acid reflux, its symptoms, and lifestyle strategies you can do to avoid it.

acid reflux

Healthy Body Hacks

Check out these insightful resource articles that tackle various conditions and other relevant topics that will help keep you healthy and disease-free.

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June 01, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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