Monday, August 13, 2018

Major Victory Sweeps the EU - This Country, Not so Lucky

Fermented Ginger
Lessens Gas and Bloating in 4 Weeks, Goodbye Embarrassment

Seeing this chart will give you goosebumps - 8 in 10 volunteers who took this for four weeks reported substantial improvement in gastrointestinal discomfort, and it was especially effective for women. Expect immediate, perceptible relief.




Your Tuesday Articles

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Major Victory Sweeps the EU - This Country, Not so Lucky

It took years to accomplish this across the pond, and as a result, millions will not have to endure the pernicious threat to their health like those living here. Protected by government agencies, practitioners here can continue to rake in fast profits at the expense of their patients' well-being.



european union bans amalgam for children
The Organic Corporate Takeover

The Organic Trade Association (OTA), a leading organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the organic label, is filled with corporate members that produce toxic pesticides and genetically engineered (GE) foods. With mega-corporations increasingly taking over organic, can the organic label really be trusted?



the corporate takeover of all natural food
How Factory Farms Pump, Poison and Pollute the Earth

Industrial agriculture, including concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), or factory farms, receive some negative attention for their role in pollution and mistreatment of animals, but their crimes go even further, from poisoning non-farmland with toxic chemicals to draining underground water supplies that may never be replenished.



how factory farms pump poison pollute earth


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fruit and vegetable wash
Eating Organic May Not Be Enough - Here's How to Be Absolutely Sure

Today's produce can have up to 164 harmful contaminants, even if they're organic. Use this fast and effective strategy to thoroughly clean your fruits and vegetables to ensure you and your loved ones are getting all of the good and none of the bad.


Must-Read Article

What Is Graves' Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

41K Page Views


Learn more about Graves' disease, an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism and eye changes - two of its most common symptoms.

graves disease

Food and Nutrition Facts

Dr. Mercola's Food Facts is a directory of the health foods that you must add to your wholesome meal plan.

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August 14, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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