Monday, July 30, 2018

Most Regularly Use This, yet It Chews at Your DNA Like a Termite Army

Vitamin C
Crucial for Your Heart, but up to 1 in 3 Are Deficient

It helps promote blood vessel and arterial vitality, and works wonders for blood pressure levels - yet many are deficient, often severely. Here are seven vegetables and seven fruits you can eat to boost your levels. Plus, a simple, speedy shortcut.




Your Tuesday Articles

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Most Regularly Use This, yet It Chews at Your DNA Like a Termite Army

And it's not hearsay - this year, two major studies have proven it. Yet, an orchestrated PR campaign, designed to mislead you, is stopping you from knowing the truth. Here's how to tell which studies to trust, and exactly what to do to protect yourself.



effects of cellphone radiation
CRISPR: Crispy Fries Your DNA

CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology shows promise for treating conditions ranging from deafness to HIV, but the splicing and dicing of DNA does not come without consequence. Recently, researchers revealed CRISPR led to significant unintended mutations, including DNA deletions and insertions that could scramble your DNA.



crispr fries your dna
$4.7 Billion Judgment for Asbestos in Powder

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay billions of dollars to victims who developed chronic disease after using their asbestos-tainted talcum powder. What's worse, internal documents suggest company officials knew of the dangers for decades.



asbestos in talc powder


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Essential Oils
A Single Drop of This Can Boost Your Mood Almost Instantly

Quite frankly, it's the fastest way to reach your brain - taking the direct path through the nerve fibers of your olfactory system right into the limbic area. Hippocrates told us to use it daily, so try it for yourself and watch how your mood - and even your energy - shifts.


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How to Make Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a popular ingredient in pastries and baked goods. Follow this simple guide to make cultured buttermilk right at home.

how to make buttermilk

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Check out these insightful resource articles that tackle various conditions and other relevant topics that will help keep you healthy and disease-free.

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July 31, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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