Monday, July 16, 2018

New Findings: The Worst Grocery Meat for Resistant Fecal Bacteria

Fermented Broccoli Sprouts
Perfect Daily Detox, Takes Just Seconds

These potent antioxidants have the ability to recycle and actively scavenge radicals in your cells for up to three days. Until now, it's been inconvenient and cumbersome to get them in decent quantities, but the game has changed.




Your Tuesday Articles

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New Findings: The Worst Grocery Meat for Resistant Fecal Bacteria

Be aware, 8 in 10 supermarket meats now contain fecal bacteria, and many contain antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Earlier testing found potentially harmful bacteria on 97 percent of samples tested of this widely popular meat, and half had at least one type of bacteria that was resistant to 3 or more antibiotics.



chicken meat contaminated with antibiotic resistant bacteria
Boiled Frogs and the Pesticide Time Bomb

Seeds treated with toxic neonicotinoid pesticides have become commonplace, even though they kill off beneficial insects that help control insect pests. The use of glyphosate and dicamba also continues to rise, while experts sound warnings that their continued use is threatening birds, amphibians and the environment as a whole.



pesticide ticking time bomb
Polluting Pigs Part IV

A couple living near a North Carolina pig CAFO has been awarded multimillions in damages due to the health threats they've endured as a result. The bad news is the damages are likely to be significantly reduced, and the state has just passed legislation that makes filing additional nuisance lawsuits against polluting CAFOs virtually impossible.



factory farming air pollution lawsuits


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Blue Tube Headsets
The News You Don't Want to Hear About Your Cellphone

With independent studies mounting, affirming the DNA-damaging effects on brain cells from cellphone use, ignoring the science is almost like sticking your head in the sand. Why take a chance when there's now an effective way to help ward off much of that risk? I won't make a call with my cellphone without this.


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Echinacea Tea: Benefits and Nutrition Facts

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Know more about echinacea tea's benefits, nutrition facts and echinacea tea recipes you can prepare at home.

echinacea tea

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July 17, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

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