Wednesday, September 19, 2018

YouTube Sensation Dies Much Too Soon and Without Warning

Pure Power Protein 3 Pack or 4 Pack
A Few Ounces of This Energy-Booster Is Like Eating 16 Eggs

You'd need to eat about 16 eggs to get your daily quota of this muscle-building amino acid. But I start every day with this to boost my energy levels, promote muscle strength, help maintain blood sugar levels and support my immune system. It's the ultimate unfair advantage.




Your Thursday Articles

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YouTube Sensation Dies Much Too Soon and Without Warning

Just days after a long-awaited surgery, this extraordinary young woman died without warning. Please use her unstoppable spirit as inspiration to prioritize this, no matter how much stress or tension you are under right now. It will melt your heart.



claire wineland dies one week after lung transplant
Can You Decrease Jet Lag With Exposure to Light?

Jet lag occurs when your circadian rhythm is out of sync with local time zones, but properly timed light exposure (and avoidance) may hold the secret to getting your body clock back in balance. Light exposure from outdoors, light boxes or even administered through your ears could be helpful.



beat jet lag with light therapy
Can Kava Be the Key to Good Health?

A prized herb native to the Pacific Islands, kava is renowned for its abilities in stimulating relaxation and treating various illnesses. Learn about kava's potential health benefits today.



kava herb


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Sleep Problems Could Be Warning You of This Mood-Altering Common Nutrient Deficiency

Try taking this vitamin during the day - it could not only help you sleep like a baby, but also assist with boosting energy levels, improving immunity and mental alertness, and managing stress. Plus, it can improve your mood and eye health too.


Must-Read Article

Are You Suffering From This Prevalent Mental Illness?

109K Page Views


If you're losing interest in enjoyable activities, suffering from a constant feeling of hopelessness and having thoughts about self-harm - could it be that you're among the millions suffering from this mental condition? It's not something that should be ignored. Be informed and learn how to spot the signs.


Ultimate Guide to Herbal Oils

Learn safe and effective ways to use herbal oils in your cooking, as aromatherapy stress relief after a long day at work, and for household care.

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September 20, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 3200 W. Higgins Rd., Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

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