Monday, December 17, 2018

Do Not Buy Chicken With This Brand on the Label

It might appear natural, but dive a little deeper and it means absolutely nothing.

Miracle Whey Protein
Got Glutathione? Most People Get This Part Wrong, Do You?

To be sure, it's your body's most powerful antioxidant and helps shield you from many signs of aging. As valuable as it might be, here's the mistake most people make - plus how to get it right, far more effectively, by creating the most conducive environment for glutathione.




Your Tuesday Articles

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Do Not Buy Chicken With This Brand on the Label

It might appear natural, but dive a little deeper and it means absolutely nothing - as there are no rules governing its use. Considering they're the third largest producer, there's a good chance you'll have come into contact with it this month. Please tread carefully.



sanderson farms cafo chicken
Study: Microplastics Were in the Gut of Every Sea Turtle Tested

Tiny plastic particles are now so widespread in the world's oceans that sea turtles are consuming them as a matter of course. Every one of more than 100 sea turtles tested contained the plastic particles, with unknown consequences to their health and that of the larger marine environment.



microplastic pollution harms sea turtles
All Civilizations Collapse if They Depend on This

Civilizations that depend on annual grain crops eventually collapse, according to Mark Shepard, founder of New Forest Farm, a 106-acre perennial 'agricultural savanna.' The solution is a system based on regenerative agriculture practices that naturally create biodiversity, support soil health and produce healthy, nutrient-dense food.



annual agriculture


Recommended Product

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Salmon Oil
So Good, It's a Clean Eating Magazine Clean Choice Award Winner

Made with fresh, wild-caught Alaskan sockeye salmon, this MSC-certified oil is packed with high-quality omega-3s and is the cleanest, most sustainable fish oil on the market.


Must-Read Article

Calcium Chloride: Uses and Side Effects

Calcium chloride has been widely used across different industries, ranging from food to manufacturing. But is it really a safe source of calcium?

calcium chloride

Food and Nutrition Facts

Dr. Mercola's Food Facts is a directory of the health foods that you must add to your wholesome meal plan.

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December 18, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

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