Friday, December 21, 2018

This 'Reflex' Explains Why You Can't Trim Your Midsection

It sets off adaptive biochemical and physiological changes that are probably stopping you.

Organic Body Butter
Avoid These 8 Common Cosmetic Ingredients That Do More Harm Than Good

They enter your bloodstream upon impact, and become integrated into your body tissues - wreaking havoc on your kidney, liver and endocrine system. In fact, one is even linked to mammary tumors. Avoid it like the plague, use this instead.




Your Saturday Articles

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This 'Reflex' Explains Why You Can't Trim Your Midsection

Those who are naturally thin may be judgmental about the plight of their more rotund peers. 'Why can't they just slim down?' they ask. But this reflex, which sets off adaptive biochemical and physiological changes, is likely what's stopping you.



what fats should we eat or avoid
Don't Be Tempted to Eat Raw Cookie Dough

Cookies and dough crafts may be part of your traditions, but they also increase your risk of contracting a dangerous foodborne pathogen. A combination of safe handling procedures and healthy treats may reduce your risk.



eating raw cookie dough
Discover the Health Benefits of Darjeeling Tea

When something is called the 'champagne of teas,' you know that it's not an ordinary beverage. Learn why Darjeeling tea has earned this moniker and discover how this tea can work wonders for your health.



darjeeling tea


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Matcha Green Tea
How Could 127 Million People Be Wrong?

One of the best-kept secrets of Japan is Royal Matcha Green Tea. Shade-grown to maximize the energy boost from chlorophyll and selectively harvested only once a year, Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea is rich in potent polyphenol antioxidants.


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Learn more about persimmon nutrition facts, health benefits, healthy recipes, and other fun facts about this fruit.


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Check out these insightful resource articles that tackle various conditions and other relevant topics that will help keep you healthy and disease-free.

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December 22, 2018

Dr. Mercola Healthy Rewards

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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Health Resources, LLC, 125 SW 3rd Place, Suite 205, Cape Coral, FL 33991

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